What You Should Know About The Different Methods of Teeth Whitening

Dazzle with colour: Have you ever wanted to have a whiter smile? Are you embarrassed when you smile for photos? If the answer is yes, then you are not alone. Millions of people worldwide suffer from stained or yellow teeth and are looking for tips and advice on how to get whiter teeth quickly.

teeth whitening AdelaideTruth vs. fiction: You can find many online methods for teeth whitening that can cause more harm than good. Oil pulling is one example. This method has caused thousands of people to suffer from tooth decay, and cavities, not to mention the foul odour from the oil pulled from the teeth. While oil pulling may seem like an easy way to achieve a whiter smile, it is not. Not only does it leave a residue behind that makes the teeth yellowish and unsightly, but it also dulls the enamel on the teeth. This can make your teeth look longer than they are and put a permanent dent in your smile.

Baking Soda: Myth or Cure? Baking soda is a great natural toothpaste ingredient. It is inexpensive and does not cost much to use. In short, it is pretty much useless. It will not help with stains, whiten teeth, or remove food stains.

Sensitivity: Many dentists from smileaddictionaustralia.com.au suggest that you avoid brushing your teeth altogether if you have sensitivity to toothpaste or bleach. They claim that this will help with plaque build-up and tooth decay. The truth is, however, that you probably already have sensitivity to these ingredients. If you have this problem, talk to your dentist about what you can do to resolve it.

Drinking Coffee: Drinking coffee has been associated with dental discolouration, according to smileaddictionaustralia.com.au. The consensus seems to be that drinking coffee is okay for some people but not for everyone. Drinking coffee is associated with an increased risk of both atherosclerosis and caries. It is associated with an increased risk of oral cancer as well. If you are concerned about these facts, talk to your dentist about whether or not you should quit drinking coffee or switch to either baking soda or hydrogen peroxide for teeth whitening.

Charcoal: The truth is, charcoal as a teeth whitener is not all that effective. As previously mentioned, there is a higher level of abrasiveness associated with it. This abrasiveness is more significant than what you would receive from brushing. Also, the abrasiveness of the charcoal itself strips the natural enamel on the teeth. It wears away at the surface. This method will not work for you if you want whiter teeth, not from a dental practice.

Brush with a Whitening Brush: You may have seen this term on TV or in a magazine. It refers to toothpaste that contains the active ingredient carbamide peroxide, one of the best kinds of toothpaste for teeth whitening Adelaide. These toothpaste contain tiny beads of carbamide peroxide, which, when applied to the teeth, causes them to become brighter. The problem with the whitening brush is that if you do not brush regularly, then the stains will return.

Brush with baking soda or hydrogen peroxide: Although many people claim that this method of teeth whitening Adelaide works great for them, it does not work for everyone. Most people do not suffer from tooth sensitivity problems, so they end up having to switch back to their traditional toothpaste. With tooth sensitivity, the sensitivity of the enamel on the teeth is damaged, which causes stains to show. Since baking soda and hydrogen peroxide cause tooth sensitivity problems, it is highly recommended that you avoid using them altogether.